Product description
Mother’s Horlicks, launched in 1997, is a superior nutritional supplement with 26 vital nutrients that is scientifically designed keeping the nutritional needs of the pregnant and breast feeding women in mind. An attempt to enhance nutritional superiority saw the launch of its new variant in May 2004 – Mother’s Horlicks fortified with DHA. This unique formulation has an essential fatty acid called docosahexaenoic acid or DHA from a vegetarian source. Numerous studies have suggested that DHA helps in brain development of the child during pregnancy and the first few years of life. It is important to note that in infants, breast milk is the only source of DHA. In addition to DHA, Mother’s Horlicks supplies the recommended quantity of ideal quality proteins [with 100 percent amino acid score]. Mother’s Horlicks, in three serves [6 scoops], provides 100 percent of the recommended dietary allowance [RDA] for iron, folate, calcium, vitamins C, B2, B6 and B12 – nutrients that are essential for blood and bone health. Moreover, Mother’s Horlicks has been manufactured through a natural process of malting or germination that helps to produce enzymes which in turn helps to breakdown complex starches and proteins into simpler molecules making it easy to digest. Mother Horlicks has best value for money and is the leading nutritional supplement for pregnant and breast feeding women. After all, every mother has a right to healthy babies.