
Lemon Matic Lemon Juicer


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Lemon Matic manual plastic squeezed lemon juice maker

Lemon Matic Lemon Juicer


Ideal Lemon Juicer

Unique and Small Size

Fits Perfectly For All Lemon Sizes

Has a Container in the Bottom to Collect the Juice

Ver Handy Product

Ideal Utility Product for all Kitchens

Lemon Matic manual plastic squeezed lemon juice maker

Features & Tips
1.Material : plastic.
2.Convenient drop-style lemon juice leakage device.
3.Perfect item for household and picnic.
4.Easy to make lemon juice with it.
5.Healthy and convenient to use
6.Easy to use and store.

1. Cut the lemon or other small citrus fruit in half.
2. Put one half on the protuberant item, and squeeze.
3. The juice flows through the strainer into the bottom container.
4. Pour out the juice through the spout.

A  lemon squeezer is a small kitchen utensil designed to extract juice from lemons or other citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, or lime. It is designed to separate and cruh the pulp of the fruit in a way that is easy to operate. Lemon squeezers can be made from any solid, acid-resistant material, such as plastic, glass, metal (usually aluminium) or ceramic.

Squeeze lemons easily and more effectively without wasting even a drop. Use Lemon Matic manual plastic squeezed lemon juice maker, order and get one of this delivered to your home today. Drink a healthy, sweet lemon juice for a fuller, healthier you!

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