Circular Knife
The Circular Knife is a device that combines two of the greatest inventions ever made. The knife and the wheel. By combining the two, the Circular Knife allows you to roll the knife back and forth to cut practically anything extremely faster than using a normal knife. Including vegetables, chicken, beef, cake, cheese, sandwiches, and even pizza. Not only does the knife roll, but the metal of the blade is actually able to slide within the plastic grip of the knife so you never have to actually roll the knife with your wrist, but instead the knife offers a continuous roll that makes it much easier on your hand, arm, and wrist to cut things.
If you’re like me and the first thing you thought of was how terrible it will be to clean this thing, it’s actually quite easy as the blade pops right out so you can easily clean the entire blade along with the inside of the handle. Unlike traditional knives that diminish the force you apply to the handle every time it hits the cutting board, the Circular Knife places the force you apply to the knife directly above the blade which gives you full precision for cutting while leaving your wrist feeling like silky goodness by relieving it from unnatural movements.
Diameter: 17 cm